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                Shenzhen Grandseed Technology Development Co., Ltd.

                Shenzhen Grandseed TechnologyHigh-end equipment and intelligent application system service provider

                Service Hotline:400-0599-111  138 2871 9992



                menuProduct Center

                Mobile phone assembly lineCategory:Assembly line

                synopsis:The mobile phone assembly production line is a very wide variety of conveying equipment, suitable for the assembly of small and medium-sized products, and a variety of different ty...


                The mobile phone assembly production line is a very wide variety of conveying equipment, suitable for the assembly of small and medium-sized products, and a variety of different types of belts; selection can meet the different production needs of customers. Optional materials for the frame: carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy. Belt material selection: PVC, PU, rubber, Teflon. The stations include feeding, PCB board, thermal cotton, assembling shielding cover 1, assembling shielding cover 2, labeling 1, attaching accessories, labeling 2, and inspecting the appearance of received products. The specific functions of the mobile phone assembly line can be specifically designed according to customer requirements. If necessary, you can contact Guangshengde.

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